Originally from Normandy, Arnaud Donckele has found an enchanting setting in Saint-Tropez - a hotel under the pine trees, facing the sea. His Vague d'Or promises guests an exceptional experience every day! First and foremost, the food is worthy of many superlatives. Using the finest produce (vegetables from local market gardeners, fish and shellfish), Arnaud Donckele pays a magnificent tribute to these sun-drenched lands. Intoxicating combinations of flavours, perfect juices and sauces, meticulous work on textures... It's hard to remain insensitive in the face of such inspiration and exacting standards. One example is the now classic Tourton de légumes de Provence with Mediterranean lobster, one of the chef's favourite dishes, in which his entire cooking philosophy is freely expressed. If that doesn't get this Vague d'Or off to a flying start...
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